Blog | The Fringe

UFOs and the Rapture

by Dr. Bobby Brewer

Blog | The Fringe

UFOs and the Rapture

by Dr. Bobby Brewer

Rapture of the Bride of Christ

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UFOs and the Rapture

Regardless of whether or not you believe in a pre, mid, or post-tribulation rapture of the church, could it be that the devil—in an effort to cover his bases for missing people—is seeking to condition the world to view it not as a rapture but rather as a mass alien abduction?

Some new agers teach that all that is needed for a new age, an age of Aquarius (in which the world would experience peace and harmony) is the adaptation of pluralism.  However, due to the fact that Christians believe in salvation exclusively through Jesus, New Agers perceive Christianity as a hurdle—I prefer firewall—to global pluralism (i.e., universal ecumenicalism).

Perhaps it would be explained by the Antichrist’s system that the Christians have been taken away to be reeducated and conditioned, i.e., a cosmic concentration camp, but will return once their worldview has been adjusted. Or, like everything else, perhaps the devil wants to mimic the idea of a rapture by creating his own version of it.

In Bringers of the Dawn, New Age author, Barbara Marciniak, says “The people who leave the planet during the time of Earth changes do not fit in here any longer, and they are stopping the harmony of Earth. When the time comes that perhaps 20 million people leave the planet at one time there will be a tremendous shift in consciousness for those who are remaining.”  Other new age writers refer to a “Great Exodus” or “Great Evacuation” and in some cases even use the verbiage “in the twinkling of an eye” for prediction a mass abduction. 

I would venture to say that as a contingency plan, the devil has a prepared statement and response for either a pre-tribulation or the mid-tribulation rapture and that such an event could be explained by, or blamed on ETs. Furthermore, if UFOs appeared in the skies globally minutes after a rapture, the UFOs would most likely receive more attention than the missing people. With rare exception, even in the United States, most media outlets seem to repeat a particular mantra.

In addition to the chaos an event such as the rapture would cause, the world would be looking for an answer as to where their loved ones, co-workers, and friends had gone. Some New Age, not Christian, authors refer to an upcoming “Great Exodus” and “Great Evacuation.”  Perhaps the disappearance of Christians could be explained that due to their narrow-mindedness they had been relocated to a cosmic concentration camp where they will be reeducated for living in a new age of pluralism, but will eventually be returned. 

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