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UFOs: 12 Things Everyone Should Know
A Christian Perspective
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UFOs: 12 Things Everyone Should Know
A Christian Perspective
from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do…
1 Chronicles 12:32 NIV

New Release
UFOs: 12 Things Everyone Should Know
A Christian Perspective
As a result of the Phoenix Lights incident of 1997, I have regularly being asked what the implications of extraterrestrials visiting earth would have for humanity, and specifically Christianity. These are not the typical questions asked of a pastor or of a Christian radio show host.
- Does Christianity have an answer for UFOs?
- Should the Christian community even bother to address the presumably preposterous, yet pressing issue?
- What should a parent teach their child about aliens?
- How can our youth workers answer the E.T. questions of their teenage congregations?
- And, how can you capably address this topic with your friends and family?
After becoming King, David was blessed with a vast array of mighty men and leaders from all twelve tribes. Some were experts in various forms of warfare. In the First Chronicles, we’re introduced to the “men of Issachar,” whom we’re told “…understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32 NIV).
The purpose of UFOs: 12 Things Everyone Should Know is that you will better understand the times and know what to do should the topic come up. As ludicrous as this topic may sound to some, the recognition and acknowledgment of it as a cultural and spiritual phenomenon is essential for effectively ministering to the postmodern culture we now live in, and I commend you for taking the time to understand these times.

In UFO’s: 12 Things Everyone Should Know, Dr. Brewer does a fabulous job of discarding the hearsay, focusing on the facts, and engaging this topic from a Biblical Worldview. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to put content to their curiosity about the UFO phenomenon.
Dr. Joshua Anderson
Director of Theological Seminary
Grand Canyon University

Well researched and thoughtfully written, Dr. Bobby Brewer brings a compelling book about aliens, God, and Satan. What was once considered fringe is now mainstream, and you will understand why in UFO’s: 12 Things Everyone Should Know.