Blog | The Fringe

Travis Walton Interview

by Dr. Bobby Brewer

Blog | The Fringe

Travis Walton Interview

by Dr. Bobby Brewer

Dr Bobby Brewer with Travis Walton

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Travis Walton Interview

While researching for this book, I had the blessing of meeting and interviewing Travis Walton. My friends and I had traveled to Snowflake, Arizona, the evening before and rented a room at the Best Western for the occasion.

Due to very little and a somewhat cryptic correspondence, I was a little nervous if it would all work out and was waiting in the hotel lobby anxiously looking out the windows to see if he would actually show up. Finally, and right on time, an old blue truck pulled into the parking lot driven by Travis. For some reason, I was expecting that he’d travel with an entourage, but it didn’t take long for me to discern that he was an introvert. We sat in the lobby having some standard fare hotel drip coffee as Bob & Michael set up the cameras and lighting in the adjacent conference room. As referenced in my book, Travis is somewhat of a reluctant UFO “celebrity” who is very laid back, unassuming and matter of fact about his abduction.    

After the recording was done, he offered to show us the abduction site. However, it was about a 45-minute commute to the site and so rather than staying for another night we decided to check out and make our way back towards Phoenix afterwards. Since he had driven alone, I asked him if it would be ok if I rode along with him … and he graciously obliged.

There were several moments of very awkward silence, but I decided to be ok with this and let it be. However, it was during this time that I learned he was exceptionally well-read, well-travelled, and very intelligent. We talked about a number of topics such as politics, logging, international travel, llamas, and life in Snowflake, etc. And of course, we talked about aliens.

Walton takes the blame for what he encountered and believes that his abduction was initially for the purpose of nursing him back to health after being struck by a beam from the UFO. However, he described it as a horrific experience and had the sensation of suffocating. In an attempt to get away from his alien abductors, he said he actually made “physical” contact with them and was surprised at how easily he was able to push them away (describing them as being something like a balloon that fell over in the manner of a bowling pin).     

One of the interesting conclusions from the Condon Report (a University of Colorado program funded by the USAF) on UFOs was “their occupants should be attributed to paraphysical phenomena.” “Paraphysical” is defined by Merriam-Webster as something “resembling physical phenomena but without recognizable physical cause,” meaning that extraterrestrials and their crafts can at the very least appear, if not take on, a solid form. 

The fact that Walton described an abduction that was very physical (as do most) is also a characteristic of the angels (holy and unholy).  When holy angels are dispatched by God to communicate with humans, they sometimes appear in human form. Could unholy angels be dispatched by Satan to communicate with humans in a non-human, alien form? Yes.—I discuss more on their ability to take on physical form in the book. 

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