Blog | The Fringe

Cattle & Livestock Mutilations

by Dr. Bobby Brewer

Blog | The Fringe

Cattle & Livestock Mutilations

by Dr. Bobby Brewer

Cattle mutilations by aliens

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Cattle & Livestock Mutilations

In addition to Arizona and New Mexico, 1973 saw a noticeable spike in cattle mutilations in Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Nebraska; the common denominators of which included the removal of body organs, an absence of blood, broken bones (as if the carcass had been dropped), and the corpses were generally avoided by predators. These reports often (but not always) included reports of black unmarked helicopters within the vicinity. By the summer of 1974 some ranchers in various states had even begun shooting small arms fire at unmarked helicopters that were within the airspace of their ranch. The Cattleman’s Association of Colorado went so far as to offer a $11,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the culprit(s); a reward that was never redeemed.

Sheriff Richards of Cochran County, Colorado, told researcher Linda Molten Howe that many ranchers and neighbors had also reported a UFO in the area that was “about as wide as a two-lane highway, round, and looks the color of the sun when it is going down and has got a blue glow round it.  When these people see this thing, in two or three days we hear about some cows that have been mutilated.”  Harrison Burgess, a former Sandia National Laboratories employee, calculated that between 1973 and 1979 approximately 10,000 animals had been mutilated. 

Making use of the then new (1974) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and seeking to solve the cattle mutilation mystery, William H. Spaulding, director of the Phoenix based Ground Saucer Watch, formally requested CIA archives relating to UFOs. The CIA withheld 57 documents and the NSA (National Security Agency) denied access to 135. Spaulding appealed to a federal judge in 1980 and eventually to the Supreme Court in 1981 who, in a 21-page affidavit written by the NSA, denied the opportunity to hear the case.

Undeterred, in 1983 another FOIA request was made for all or any portion of the affidavit. They were granted a document that had 412 of 582 lines of the affidavit blacked out. Eleven pages were completely inaccessible. To the NSA’s defense, it was cited that no meaningful content could be released without jeopardizing intelligence gathering practices.

The mystery is a hoof…

Christopher O’Brien, author of Stalking the Herd: Unraveling the Cattle Mutilation Mystery, suggests that “extra-terrestrials [are] possibly trying to learn about humans through cows. Cattle hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells, is nearly an exact match with that found in people.” Due to the fact that the reproductive organs are often removed, it would seem that some type of research is being done in an effort to learn about, and possibly replicate, some form of biological life. However, these perpetrators are not only researching and experimenting on animals but also on humans. Someone, or something, is trying to figure out how to create biological life.

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