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Are UFOs a Sign of the End Times?

by Dr. Bobby Brewer

Blog | The Fringe

Are UFOs a Sign of the End Times?

by Dr. Bobby Brewer

UFO abductions

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Are UFOs a Sign of the End Times?

I believe yes.   

For starters, Jesus taught that the End Times would be characterized by deception. “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” – Jesus (Matthew 24:24). The fact that spirituality is a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon is one of its best kept secrets. If you follow the trail of the UFO phenomenon long enough, you will discover that it is a trail that often ends up within the realm of Eastern religious beliefs, New Age, or the occult. Of particular interest is that these beings who claim to have traversed time and space never seem to have anything negative to say about Mohammed or Buddha, yet they seem to have a particular disdain for Jesus and Christianity. Furthermore, extraterrestrials (“ETs”) falsely present themselves as cosmic saviors and even as humanity’s creator. 

Secondly, regarding the End Times, Jesus said, “For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matthew 24:37). Satan is a great imitator, and in an effort to be seen as a creator, I believe he seeks to create his own race of soulless biological beings who are not in need of redemption through Jesus.—This may explain aspects of the abduction factor within the UFO Phenomenon; specifically, the reproductive system is always experimented on.  Why would benevolent beings travel all the way from the Pleiades just to harvest the reproductive organs of cattle and give unwanted physicals? Even if they were a product of Artificial Intelligence or robotics, how many more physicals do they need to perform?—Evidence collected from abduction encounters (and to some degree cattle mutilations) reveal that their extraterrestrial abductors have an odd fascination with human sexuality which reveals their true colors. This perverted preoccupation has been around since at least Genesis 6, i.e., the “days of Noah”. Whenever you research or delve into the UFO phenomenon, sooner or later the Nephilim will show up in the discussion. Many explanations and theories have been presented regarding the Nephilim of Genesis 6:1-4, but at the very least it is obvious that they were seeking to interfere with the procreation of humanity. And so, as it was in the “days of Noah” so it is today. 

Finally, although it is best understood to mean cosmic disturbances, it is possible that “signs in the heavens” may include UFOs. As we move closer to Christ’s return, we can expect an increase in UFOs.

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